Olpererhütte Hike – Is It Worth It For An Epic Photo?

We hiked it a second time to find out

The Olpererhütte or Olperer Hut hike is best known for one of the most Instagrammable spots in the Zillertal Alps – a suspension bridge over a stream with an emerald green dam and mountain peaks in the background. However, this is one Instagram spot that requires a considerable amount of effort (and degree of fitness) to reach.  Is it worth venturing so deep into the Ziller Valley in Austria to find the Olperer Hut trail?

Olperer suspension bridge
Should you hike to the Olperer Hut just to take this picture?

I can honestly say that reaching the Olpererhütte after a climb of 600 metres is one of the most rewarding hiking experiences. It impressed us so much that we returned after a two-year break to do it again in 2019.

The motivation for our second hike to the Olpererhütte was two-fold. We just returned from a long trip to South Africa, and I was dying to reconnect with the mountains. Also, we missed the suspension bridge on our first hike. Ever since I discovered this, I wanted to go back to see if it was worth all the hype. So, when two young relatives who are fit and able came to visit, the Olperer Hut hike was the obvious choice.

View of Olperer Hut
The best situated mountain hut in Austria?

Olperer Hut Hike Basics

Starting PointSchlegeisspeicher Dam (get directions below)
DistanceApp. 3 km each way
Difference In AltitudeApp. 600 m
Hiking Time1,5 to 2 hours each way
When To Do ItEarly June to early October

Olpererhütte Trail Description

The Way Up

It’s not a walk in the park, going from about 1,782 to 2,389 metres above sea level. That’s a difference of 600 metres over quite a short distance, which means you’re climbing almost all the time. However, it also looks and sounds harder than it is. Just in case, here are some tips to help you adjust to higher altitudes.

I’ll break the trail up into four sections.

The first part winds its way through thicker vegetation where the trail, although steep, is still fairly even. It soon gets rockier, with the Riepenbach stream flowing over the rocks on your right.

Schlegeisspeicher Dam
This picture of the Schlegeisspeicher Dam was taken not far from the start of the trail where there are still lots of trees.

If you are unfit like me, you will stop to catch your breath a few times along the next stretch. Until, after clambering over some rocks, the hut finally comes into view when you scan the horizon.

Small and far above across the Riepenbach to your right, the upside-down V-shape of the roof of the Olpererhütte is unmistakable. Strange how much lighter your steps feel after this!

Hike to Olpererhütte.
Do you see the hut on the horizon behind C?

For what seems like ages, the Olperer Hut remains a spot in the distance. Then you reach a plateau and, in my opinion, the nicest part of the trail. Turning towards the hut, it suddenly looks so close you can start tasting the beer that’s waiting for you.

Take a minute to appreciate the beautiful scenery before marching on. The sight of several mountain streams (forming the Riepenbach) crossing the plateau make the effort to get to this point more than worthwhile. Once you’re on the other side of the stream, the last 5 minutes of uphill to reach the Olpererhütte seem like a breeze.

Olperer Hut scenery Zillertal Alps
The contrasting colours of the mountains, pastures and water are amazing as you approach the Olperer Hut.

Taking the Epic Olperhütte Suspension Bridge Picture

You have two choices after reaching the hut. The first is to plonk your tired body down on a chair and order a drink. The second is to use whatever energy you have left to continue another five minutes until you get to the suspension bridge which the Olperer Hut is famous for.

Suspension bridge in the Zillertal
Getting into position with a dog in your arms isn’t that easy!

The chances of being alone at the bridge are slim. However, even on a “busy” day (like on our last hike),  the waiting time to have your picture taken shouldn’t be more than five to ten minutes. C and I made turns to photograph each other (the three youngsters in our party opted for the drinks first, picture second option 😊).

Suspension bridge in the Alps.
You can take the bridge picture from many different angles.

The Way Down

It’s fascinating how different the landscape looks from the opposite angle on the return hike. Now you have the Schlegeisspeicher Dam in sight almost all the time. Watch it change colour as the light changes when the clouds move over. It’s simply spectacular.

View of Schlegeisspeicher Dam
Scenes like these make you stop in your tracks.

We thought the way down would be much quicker than the way up, but it took us the same amount of time. The reason is that you must be a lot more careful about where to put your feet down, especially over the rocky parts.

Alternative Way Up (or Down)

There are two alternative trails between the Olpererhütte and the Schlegeisspeicher Dam. However, both are longer than the one described above. One follows the Neumarkter Runde (3,5 hours) and the other goes via the Friesenberghaus (4,5 hours). You can find more details on both here.

Is It Worth It for the Suspension Bridge Picture?

Since the suspension bridge picture is a big motivation for many people to hike to the Olperer Hut, it’s important to answer this question.

Yes, the view from the bridge is spectacular. Yes, it makes for a great picture. But there are many more equally great moments and views along the trail. I’m glad we got the picture on our second hike, but it doesn’t take away anything from our first hike when we didn’t walk the extra five minutes to the suspension bridge.

Family hike to Olpererhütte
There are plenty great photo opportunities on the Olperer Hut hike (not only from the suspension bridge.

Tip for a Similar Hike in Austria Without the Effort
The Schafberg, with its Schafberg Himmelspforte hut perching on the edge, offers similar panoramic views than the Olperer Hut. The only difference is that, apart from hiking there, you can also take the steepest cogwheel railway in Austria to get there without a sweat.

Getting to The Start

By Car

From Mayrhofen, head in the direction of Ginzling and follow the signs for the Schlegeisspeicher Dam. Continue straight through Ginzling until you get to the Breitlahner toll booth.

How to get to Olpererhütte
Where you stop to pay your tolls.

Toll of €14 per car is charged to drive the last 13,3 km to the dam. The road is open daily from 07:00 to 18:00 between mid-May and the end of October. The toll ticket must be displayed on your dashboard behind your windscreen (we forgot to do this on our 2nd trip, but luckily didn’t get into any trouble because of it).

Drive past the dam wall and park in the open area between the dam and the road directly at the start of the Olperer Hut trail (you will see a big sign next to the road on your right). If this parking area is full, there’s another one about 100m further. Parking is free.

You may have to wait a few minutes at the toll booth for oncoming traffic to pass through. There have also been reports of cars having to turn around at the toll booth when the parking area at the dam fills up. So, try to be there before 10:00 if you can.

By Public Transport

Bus 4102 connects Mayrhofen, Ginzling, and the Schlegeisspeicher Dam. Find the timetable here. Tickets cost €7,70 each way (Mayrhofen to Schlegeis Stausee) and a toll of €3,60 per person (once-off) is payable.

Getting to Mayrhofen is easy with public transport via Jenbach. Jenbach is on the train line between Munich and Innsbruck. From there you can get another train or the bus to Mayrhofen.

Holders of a Zillertal Aktivcard may use the bus for free. The card is worth it if you’re staying in the area for at least three days and plan to use some of the cable cars. Prices start at €61,50.

Tips For Your Olperer Hut Hike

  • Give yourself enough time to enjoy the hike and the hut experience. Also, the earlier you start, the less crowded the trail is likely to be. We started our last hike at 10:00 but agreed it could have been earlier. However, it took us almost 2 hours to get to the Schlegeisspeicher Dam from our home near Innsbruck. That’s why it’s a good idea to base yourself in the Zillertal for an early start. At the time of our first hike, we stayed at Camping Aufenfeld in the valley. Of course, it’s also possible to overnight in the hut.

Find accommodation near the Olperer Hut

  • There (used to be) one water point to fill up your bottle before you turn away from the Riepenbach stream almost half-way to the hut. On our second hike, we discovered the pipe with water filter coming from the stream is no longer there. (Moral of the story: carry enough water on you to last until you get to the hut.)
  • Take enough cash to pay for your food and drinks in the Olpererhütte. There are no card payment facilities.
  • Dress in layers, not forgetting a wind and waterproof jacket. It can suddenly get cold in the mountains even if the day started gloriously sunny.

The Olperer Hut Experience

Hikers and mountain climbers have been staying in the Olperer Hut on their way to the like-named summit since 1881. It makes it one of the oldest mountain huts in the Eastern Alps. However, little has remained of the original hut with its hay mattresses and a wood-burning stove for heating and cooking. In its place is a modern mountain hut with comfortable rooms and a restaurant.

The sundeck where you can enjoy a well-deserved drink and meal has excellent vistas of the Schlegeis Dam and the surrounding mountain peaks, including the Hochfeiler (at 3,510 m the highest in the Zillertal Alps).

Chicken at Olperer Hut
Now you know where the Olpererhütte gets their eggs from.

The deck is quite popular on a good-weather day. So, unless you arrive early, the chances are good you’ll have to wait for a table. However, we preferred sitting inside on both our visits since the wind picked up, and clouds were moving over. The giant panorama window inside means you don’t miss out on the views.

What we had on our first visit: Between the seven of us, we had pork schnitzel (€12,90), baked potato with sour cream and a smoked trout fillet (€9,60), a local sour cheese called Zillertaler Graukas served with bread (€9,60), and Kaiserschmarrn, thick chunks of pancake with apple or cranberry sauce (€9,80). A big beer or Radler cost €4,10 and the kids’ Coke (Kola in Austria) was €3,90 for 500 ml.

Kaiserschmarrn from Austria.
The Kaiserschmarrn.

What we had on our second visit: schnitzel (again!), Tiroler Gröstl (fried potatoes with bacon, roast beef and a fried egg) and Graukasnockerl (a kind of dumpling), and apple strudel. This was all washed down with four beers and a Schiwasser (raspberry syrup with water).

I forgot to keep the slip, but the prices went up a little bit since our first visit (but not enough to complain about). What I do remember is that all the food plus two beers and a Schiwasser came to €68.

Austrian traditional Graukasnockerl.
The Graukasnockerl.

Despite the full house, the service at the Olpererhütte was not only reasonably efficient but also friendly. Our order was mixed up a little bit on our second visit (we got one schnitzel and two Schiwasser instead of the other way around). However, the food arrived in a matter of minutes after ordering, so we didn’t wait long for the forgotten schnitzel to arrive.

Fast Facts About the Olperer Hut

  • The hut is reached by foot or helicopter only. While most supplies are delivered by helicopter (100 flights and 75,000 kg per season), flights are sometimes made impossible by bad weather. This necessitates various trips on foot, returning with full backpacks, up and down the mountain.
  • The hut is generally open from early June to early October. It sleeps 60 people in five 4-bed and five 8-bed rooms. In winter, a basic winter hut (no catering and only a waterless toilet) sleeps 12 people. Rates vary according to age and whether you are a member of the Deutscher Alpenverein. Visit the hut website for actual opening times and rates.
  • From the Olpererhütte, the summit of the Olperer (the third highest peak in the Zillertal Alps at 3,476 m) can be reached in about 4 hours.
  • Other peaks to summit from the Olperer Hut include the Riepenkopf (2,905 m) and the Hoher Riffler (3,231 m).
  • The Olpererhütte is on the Munich to Venice long-distance trail. It’s also on the Berlin High Trail for shorter multi-day hikes.
The Olpererhütte from below.

 Schlegeisspeicher Dam

  • The Schlegeisspeicer Dam holds 126.5 million ³m water used to generate electricity with hydropower. The dam wall is 750 m long, 131 m high and 34 m wide.
  • You can take a guided tour inside the dam wall or walk along the top. The walk across is free (but not for the faint-hearted!). Guided tours inside the wall take about 45 minutes and cost €5,50 per adult.
  • A new Via Ferrata with 1,260 drilling holes, handles, and safety ropes, is the latest attraction for climbers. Called Schlegeis 131 it goes all the way from the bottom to the top of the dam wall. You can rent climbing equipment at the little restaurant at the dam wall.
  • If you’re not into climbing but still feel adventurous, there’s also an abseiling station and flying fox at the dam wall to get the adrenaline pumping.
  • The dam and the surrounding mountains form part of the High Alps Nature Park – Zillertal Alps.
Schlegeis Dam Wall
Looking over the dam wall takes guts!

If you don’t want to venture this far into the Ziller Valley, you can also drive the Zillertal High Alpine Road closer to the Inn Valley.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to Get From Innsbruck to the Olpererhütte Suspension Bridge?

From Innsbruck, take the A12 highway towards Munich. The Zillertal exit is just after Jenbach. Continue up the valley until you get to Mayrhofen before following the directions to the Schlegeisspeicher Dam.

If you rely on public transport, take the train to Jenbach and a bus or train from there to Mayrhofen. From Mayrhofen, Bus 4102 goes to the Schlegeisspeicher Dam.


Having fun in Austria, and then writing about it is hard work 😆 . That’s why some links in this article are affiliate links. I may earn a small commission, at no additional cost to you, if you use any of them to make a purchase. It’s totally cool if you don’t. I love to help anyway. If you do, it will help us discover another part of Austria to write about.

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About Linda de Beer 91 Articles
Name: Linda de Beer Profession: Travel blogger and freelance writer
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Debra Schroeder

You had me at beer at the hut! That view is worth the effort! That Kaiserschmarrn looks so tasty! Can’t wait to try this hike the next time we’re in Austria.


This seems like a beautiful hike. I haven’t been in Austria beyond Vienna, but hiking in the Alps is one of my dreams. We just returned from a long hiking trip to Patagonia where we met with some people from Europe who told us about the beauty of the Alps. Thanks for letting me know about the Olperer Hut.


What a scenic hike, It’s these kinds of hikes that really make it worth it. I can only imagine how much you could taste the beer when the hut came into view but I’m sure you savoured every sip and all while inside with a panoramic view – Just incredible 😀


That is one exciting hike. It is definitely thrilling to get close to what looks like a speck in the distance and sense its real magnitude. 🙂 The beer of course is a reason too. 🙂


What beautiful views! Down is always harder for me, so I would take longer. It looks like it would be well worth it though. I think the hike would work off any food and beer you had too.


This is a timely post for us. We will be visiting Austria in May. I am not sure I am fit enough to do the hike. But wonder if there are other ways to get some of the great views you have shown. I would love to see the Schlegeis Dam. But then I read your caution about travelling before June.


Baby goats! Beyond that, the hike looks incredible. Sounds like its a challenge but the views are worth it, as are the snacks at the end for a reward! Thanks for the very thorough post.


What a great outdoor family adventure with friends! The Alps never run out of surprises. Your hike was well worth because of the fantastic views you had. Stunning views of the mountains, the dam and the hut itself. What can you ask for? Also, excellent food and a welcome by a local resident surely made your day!


Wow, firs few lines set the scene. What else one can ask for. Alps are high on my priority for I have heard so much around them and your article gave me more motivation. I would love to take up this road trip from Mayrhofen to the Schlegeis Dam. Breath taking scenes during steep climb of 600 meters to Olperer Hut. I feel this must be the most photogenic hut of the world.


The Schlegels Dam and the Olperer Hut make great destinations. The views are simply spectacular! It looks like the water level has dropped quite a bit over time, but still it is such an incredibly beautiful sight. I’m glad to know that someone who is not perfectly in shape can still make the hike, if able to take a few rests along the way!


What about hiking in april late is it accessible or the road is closed?

Amit Rai

Hi All, I did the hiking yesterday..it was amazing..tough..hard to resist but gives you the feeling of accomplishment.


Could we reach this place in winter? Or is that hiking rout closed?


Linda, you say that “road is open daily from 07:00 to 18:00 between mid-May and the end of October”….what do they do after 18:00? Is the road sealed off? What if we are still coming down from the hutte at that time?


Hi Linda and all , it is opposible to hike in this 10th April?

Thank you in advance for your kind reply. Best Regards

Domnescu Daniela

Is there any way to get there at the beginning of May? Thanks! 🙂

Bylo Selhi

> Rates vary according … whether you are a member of the Deutscher Alpenverein.

Actually all the European alpine clubs offer reciprocal privileges, including discounts, to their members. So if you’re a member of the (ahem!) Austrian Alpine Club (or French, Italian, Swiss, etc.) then you get the same discounts as DAV members.

Also for those who don’t think they can make it up to Olperer hut, try the walk from the dam south to Italy. There’s a hut just over the pass pfitscherjochhaus.com. Not as spectacular as Olperer, but a great hike nonetheless.


Look really stunning and the photos on the bridge are amazing with the mountains in the background. Well earned food at the end YUM.